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roppongi-itchōme station
六本木一丁目站  detail>>
aoyama-itchōme station
青山一丁目站  detail>>
ginza-itchōme station
银座一丁目站  detail>>
roppongi station
六本木站  detail>>
六本木  detail>>
 n.  1.痒; 〔the itch〕 【医学】疥癣。 2.热望,渴望。  短语和例子   have an ...  detail>>
itch for
渴望  detail>>
roppongi hills
ja:六本木ヒルズ 六本木山 六本木文化社区 六本木新城露天广场 六本木之丘  detail>>
tanimachi yonchōme station
谷町四丁目站  detail>>
tell me the way to the railway station
告诉我去火车站的路  detail>>
would you drive me to the station
请送我去车站好吗  detail>>
yotsuya-sanchōme station
四谷三丁目站  detail>>
roppongi hills arena
红地毯设在六本木的大商场  detail>>
roppongi hills mori tower
六本木新城森大厦  detail>>
nishi shinjuku gochōme station
西新宿五丁目站  detail>>
alkali itch
碱性皮炎  detail>>
azo itch
偶氮染料痒症  detail>>
barbers itch
理发癣  detail>>